Prof. Dr. M. R. Kabir, Pro VC, UAP attends AUAP Annual Conference in Thailand


Prof. Dr. M. R. Kabir, Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Asia Pacific (UAP) attended the 34th Annual Conference of Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) at Naresuan University (NU), Phitsanulok, Thailand from November 10-13, 2019.

Prof. Kabir, Country Committee Chair of AUAP, also attended the 44th AUAP Executive Board Meeting and also participated in the meeting of all Country Chair from different countries. This year, the AUAP conference was held with the theme “Climate Change Adaptation: The Challenging Role of Higher Education Institutions”. Several papers on this theme were presented during the conference.

Prof. Kabir was also invited to a discussion meeting by the Dean and faculty members of Faculty of Education, Naresuan University aiming to explore the possibilities of academic collaboration between UAP and NU.

The AUAP is an association of university chief executives from higher education institutions in Asia Pacific and around the world.